
  1. Pilot Director of Libraries and information Centres in Gujarat, 1981. in English. (Out of Print
  2. Directory of Libraries and Information Centres in Gujarat, 1985. This Directory lists details of 1275 public, academic, special, government and private R&D institutions libraries located in Gujarat in English (Out of Print)
  3. Dr. Champaklal P. Shukla Memorial Volume, 1984, In English & Gujarati, Price : Rs. 25/-
  4. Mahiti vijnan (Information science) by C.R. Patel, 1990, Pages 12+239, price: Rs.25/- in Gujarati
  5. ‘Granthlok’ – A quarterly, Published since 1976, articles and news are published in English / Hindi / Gujarati languages. Supplied free to members.
  6. Third edition of ‘Directory of Libraries and Information Centres in Gujarat’ is published in 2001
  7. Traning programmes on AACR – II and CDS / ISIS were organized during 1992-1995